FlexiForce® sensors are integrated into forklift seats to ensure occupancy detection and to enforce safety regulations on the industrial floor.
® F l e x i F o r c echuán傳gǎn感qì器jí集chéng成dào到chā叉chē車zuò座yǐ椅què確bǎo保zhàn占yòng用jiǎn檢cè測hé和zhí執xíng行ān安quán全fǎ法guī規duì對gōng工yè業dì地píng坪 。
Ensuring Safety with Force Sensing Controls
Background: According to OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Association, each year there are roughly 85 forklift fatalities and 34,900 serious injuries. Numerous safety regulations are put in place on an industrial floor to ensure worker protection and create a safe work environment. Forklifts and motorized hand trucks are highly regulated pieces of equipment that must meet standard safety requirements set by individual companies and OSHA.
bèi背jǐng景 :gēn根jù據 O S H A ,zhí職yè業ān安quán全yǔ與jiàn健kāng康xié協huì會 ,měi每nián年yǒu有dà大yuē約 8 5rén人sǐ死wáng亡hé和 3 4 9 0 0rén人yán嚴zhòng重shòu受shāng傷de的chā叉chē車 。dà大liàng量de的ān安quán全tiáo條lì例bèi被fàng放zhì置zài在yī一gè個gōng工yè業chǎng場suǒ所 ,yǐ以què確bǎo保gōng工rén人bǎo保hù護hé和chuàng創zào造yī一gè個ān安quán全de的gōng工zuò作huán環jìng境 。chā叉chē車hé和diàn電dòng動shǒu手tuī推chē車gāo高dù度tiáo調jié節shè設bèi備bì必xū須mǎn滿zú足ān安quán全biāo標zhǔn準de的yāo要qiú求shè設zhì置gè個bié別gōng公sī司hé和 O S H A 。
Challenge: Dysfunctional or mishandled industrial vehicles can lead to accidents on the floor resulting in injury and loss. Tekscan Inc. was approached by a forklift manufacturer looking to design a vehicle with occupancy detection to ensure safety on their floor. The manufacturer was looking for a low cost solution they could easily integrate that would detect if an operator was present.
tiǎo挑zhàn戰 :gōng功néng能shī失tiáo調huò或chǔ處lǐ理bù不dàng當de的gōng工yè業chē車liàng輛huì會dǎo導zhì致shì事gù故de的fā發shēng生 ,zào造chéng成shāng傷hài害hé和sǔn損shī失de的dì地bǎn板 。 T e k s c a ngōng公sī司de的chā叉chē車zhì制zào造shāng商zài在shè設jì計zhàn占yòng用jiǎn檢cè測chē車liàng輛què確bǎo保lóu樓céng層ān安quán全tàn探tǎo討 。zhì制zào造shāng商zhèng正zài在xún尋zhǎo找yī一gè個dī低chéng成běn本de的jiě解jué決fāng方àn案 ,tā他men們kě可yǐ以hěn很róng容yì易de地jí集chéng成 ,jiāng將jiǎn檢cè測dào到rú如guǒ果yī一gè個yùn運yíng營shāng商de的cún存zài在 。
Solution: The company designed FlexiForce ESS301 sensors into their forklift seats. They were also interested in designing the sensor into the hand controls of their motorized hand trucks. The ESS301 is a durable sensor fit for applications exposed to high temperature and humidity; ideal for an industrial setting. The company used FlexiForce because the sensor can measure variable force, which can be set to trigger an action upon measuring a certain threshold. The company calibrated the sensor to a specific weight value, so that once this value was met, the forklift would recognize an operator was present.
解決方案:公司設計的傳感器在叉車座椅ess301 FlexiForce。他們也有興趣設計傳感器的手控制的電動手車。這是一ess301暴露在高的溫度和濕度傳感器適合應用耐用;理想的工業環境。本公司采用Flexiforce因為傳感器可以測量的變力,可以設置觸發一個動作在測量某一閾值。該公司將傳感器校準到一個特定的權重值,所以一旦這個值被滿足,叉車就會認出一個操作員。
jiě解jué決fāng方àn案 :gōng公sī司shè設jì計de的chuán傳gǎn感qì器zài在chā叉chē車zuò座yǐ椅 e s s 3 0 1 F l e x i F o r c e 。tā他men們yě也yǒu有xìng興qù趣shè設jì計chuán傳gǎn感qì器de的shǒu手kòng控zhì制de的diàn電dòng動shǒu手chē車 。zhè這shì是yī一 e s s 3 0 1bào暴lù露zài在gāo高de的wēn溫dù度hé和shī濕dù度chuán傳gǎn感qì器shì適hé合yīng應yòng用nài耐yòng用 ;lǐ理xiǎng想de的gōng工yè業huán環jìng境 。běn本gōng公sī司cǎi采yòng用 F l e x i f o r c eyīn因wèi為chuán傳gǎn感qì器kě可yǐ以cè測liáng量de的biàn變lì力 ,kě可yǐ以shè設zhì置chù觸fā發yī一gè個dòng動zuò作zài在cè測liáng量mǒu某yī一yù閾zhí值 。gāi該gōng公sī司jiāng將chuán傳gǎn感qì器jiào校zhǔn準dào到yī一gè個tè特dìng定de的quán權zhòng重zhí值 ,suǒ所yǐ以yī一dàn旦zhè這ge個zhí值bèi被mǎn滿zú足 ,chā叉chē車jiù就huì會rèn認chū出yī一gè個cāo操zuò作yuán員 。
If a body was detected in the forklift’s seat, the machine would be able to start. If no body weight was detected, the machine would stop. The company integrated the sensors into their seat and used their own electronics to create a smart machine. This function helps prevent accidents, and ensures that the vehicle is in a stand still until someone is actually controlling it.
rú如guǒ果yī一gè個shī尸tǐ體bèi被fā發xiàn現zài在chā叉chē車de的zuò座wèi位 ,jī機qì器jiāng將néng能gòu夠kāi開shǐ始 。rú如guǒ果méi沒yǒu有jiǎn檢cè測dào到shēn身tǐ體de的zhòng重liàng量 ,jī機qì器jiù就huì會tíng停zhǐ止 。gāi該gōng公sī司jí集chéng成le了chuán傳gǎn感qì器dào到zì自jǐ己de的zuò座wèi位 ,bìng并shǐ使yòng用zì自jǐ己de的diàn電zǐ子shè設bèi備 ,yǐ以chuàng創jiàn建yī一gè個zhì智néng能jī機qì器 。cǐ此gōng功néng能yǒu有zhù助yú于fáng防zhǐ止shì事gù故 ,bìng并què確bǎo保chē車liàng輛zài在yī一gè個zhàn站 ,zhí直dào到yǒu有rén人shí實jì際shang上shì是kòng控zhì制tā它 。
Paulausky, C. (2013, September 1). Death by Forklift is Really the PITs. Retrieved from Occupational Health & Safety website: https://ohsonline.com/Articles/2013/09/01/Death-by-Forklift-is-Really-the-PITs.aspx
p a u l a u s k y , C ( 2 0 1 3 , 9yuè月 1rì日 ) 。sǐ死wáng亡bèi被chā叉chē車shì是zhēn真zhèng正de的kēng坑 。cóng從zhí職yè業jiàn健kāng康yǔ與ān安quán全de的wǎng網zhàn站 : h t t p s : / / o h s o n l i n e . c o m / a r t i c l e s / 2 0 1 3 / 0 9 / 0 1 / d e a t h - b y - f o r k l i f t - i s - r e a l l y - t h e - p i t s . a s p x
Benefits of FlexiForce Sensors
F l e x i F o r c echuán傳gǎn感qì器de的hǎo好chù處
Ultra-thin sensor construction and flexibility means minimal interference/disturbance to normal action
chāo超báo薄mó膜chuán傳gǎn感qì器de的jié結gòu構hé和líng靈huó活xìng性yì意wèi味zhe著zuì最xiǎo小de的gān干rǎo擾 /gān干rǎo擾de的zhèng正cháng常zuò作yòng用
Accurate response gives your customers and end users confidence in the performance of your product
Knowledgeable, experienced technical staff help you develop the most effective, economical sensor based on your specific requirements. All manufacturing takes place at ISO 9001 & 13485 certified Tekscan headquarters.
知識淵博,經驗豐富的技術人員,幫助您開發最有效,經濟的傳感器,根據您的具體要求。所有的制造需要在ISO 9001和13485認證的Tekscan總部的地方。
zhī知shi識yuān淵bó博 ,jīng經yàn驗fēng豐fù富de的jì技shù術rén人yuán員 ,bāng幫zhù助nín您kāi開fā發zuì最yǒu有xiào效 ,jīng經jì濟de的chuán傳gǎn感qì器 ,gēn根jù據nín您de的jù具tǐ體yāo要qiú求 。suǒ所yǒu有de的zhì制zào造xū需yào要zài在 I S O 9 0 0 1hé和 1 3 4 8 5rèn認zhèng證de的 T e k s c a nzǒng總bù部de的dì地fāng方 。
100% factory inspection ensures your sensors meet established performance specifications
1 0 0 %gōng工chǎng廠jiǎn檢chá查què確bǎo保nín您de的chuán傳gǎn感qì器fú符hé合jì既dìng定de的xìng性néng能guī規gé格
Getting Started with FlexiForce Sensors
kāi開shǐ始 F l e x i F o r c echuán傳gǎn感qì器
FlexiForce sensors are available off-the-shelf in packs of four or eight for testing and prototyping. Visit our online store to place an order, or contact us to discuss customization options with one of our engineers.